German Haircare Market Growth and Research Report German Haircare Market | Page 11

Table 61: Germany Shampoo Survey-tracked Retailer Shares by Volume (Ltrs m), 2012 Table 62: Germany Styling Agents Survey-tracked Retailer Shares by Volume (Ltrs m), 2012 Table 63: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Aldi (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 64: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Anton Schlecker (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 65: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Dirk Rossmann Gmbh (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 66: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From dm-Drogeriemarkt Gmbh + Co.KG (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 67: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Edeka (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 68: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Globus (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 To Get Full Report Click Here @ Table 69: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Metro Group (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 70: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Norma (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 71: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Rewe Group (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 72: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Schwarz Group (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 73: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Tengelmann (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Table 74: Germany: Profile of Haircare Consumers Whose Goods Mainly Come From Other (% by Subgroup, as tracked by the Survey), 2012 Figure 1: Consumer Trends Report Methodology