Geopolitics Magazine special edition 2016 | Page 55

Digging out the ancient culture times and cultivate new insights via the scientific method . Medicine chemistry and physics transformed from at leat immoral act of magic to critical life-saving science and entirely moral .
What is moral and what is not it sometimes depends on our perception of reality for instance if someone by using technology took off and to fly in the sky most probably would face charges practicing black magic but today flying with planes across the continent everyday life . Another example is the history of the kinds the Darwinian evolution theory that became a tool of moralization of atrocities performed by the colonial powers . The theory of involution even today remain a point of vigorous debate in several counties in the USA between the creationist and evolutionists . With the first belief that Evolution Theory is a blasphemy While for the others make it somehow ethical to go further and try even genetic code manipulation to eliminate diseases or genetic problems and anomalies and who knows what else . What about the technological chance and morality ? For illustration , the trolley dilemma in our days the drone ’ s problem devices that distinguish the worker from the action and by doing so removing the ownership of the exertion from the manipulator . The feeling of guilt is dimming It ' s not the soldier that kills the opponent , but an AI drone ( tool ) - ( machine ) on the other side of the globe .
Figure 8 Five variants of the trolley problem ( Source https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Trolley _ problem #/ media / File : The _ trolley _ problem . svg )
Our perception of reality transforms the moral code of conduct the separation from the authority and the ownership action from the player . Alienate the moral burden and the outcomes . In the same font of the trolley dilemma the excessive use drones in the compact battlefield make it somehow easier to accept a life since there is no physical contact between the victim in the actor . We have reasons to ask the question : Who is the actor ? The answer may be that we have outsourced of the human mind into brain functions and machine interaction . Who is to blame for the death who is the real actor and who owns the action : is the person that receive the optical signal from the target and pass it up to the headquarters for further instructions ?
Is the general or the consul-general ' s that orders the attack ? Is the politician that authorized such action ? Is the machine that perform the final act in the battlefield ? ( Amit and Greene 2012 , Cornelissen , Bashshur et al . 2013 )
Geopolitics . com . gr all rights reserved 2016 Page 54