Generation Gap Generation Gap | Page 30

Generation Gap 21 Dadashri : That is because he continues to assert his authority as a father. This is wrong. The belief of fatherhood in itself is false. The belief that one is a husband is also wrong. Questioner : Moreover, the father will assert his fatherhood by telling his children that he is their father and they should respect that fact. Dadashri : I overheard a man yelling at his child, “Don’t you know, I am your father?” What sort of a madman says such a thing? Does he even need to say that? The whole world knows this, so why does he need to repeat it? Questioner : I have also heard children say to their parents, “Who told you to bring us into this world?” Dadashri : How can parents hold up their heads when their children talk to them this way? (P.107) WIN THEM OVER WITH LOVE Questioner : When they make mistakes, should we not caution them? Dadashri : All you have to ask them is whether or not they have thought about what they are doing and does it seem right to them. If they say no, then you can ask them why they continue to do so. They are capable of judgment and understanding. They instinctively know when they do something wrong. But when you start to criticize them, they will rebel and become indignant. (P.110) Speak in such a way that the other person’s ego does not arise. When you speak to your children, do not use an authoritative tone. When I speak to people, their ego is not stirred because my speech is free from ego that uses a commanding tone. (P.111)