Figure 3.
Difference in radial
velocity between one of
the three science fibers
and the calibration
fiber for approximately
4,000 etalon lines from
16 orders of the blue
arm. The timespan is
24 hours. Data were
taken with 10 second
to 5 minute cadence.
No drift between
the two fibers is
apparent at the
cm/s level with an
RMS of 19 cm/s
for the individual
Figure 4.
At present, the instrument team, with input
from Gemini staff, is designing a front end
for MAROON-X to connect to an instrument
port, while the instrument itself will reside in
the pier lab. We anticipate beginning com-
missioning at the end of 2018 or beginning
of 2019 in order to offer this exciting new set
of capabilities to the Gemini user community.
The MAROON-X team acknowledges fund-
ing for this project from the David & Lucile
Packard Foundation, the Heising-Simons
Foundation, and the University of Chicago.
Jacob Bean is Associate Professor in the Dept. of
Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of
Chicago. He can be reached at:
[email protected]
Andreas Seifahrt is Research Associate Professor
in the Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics at
the University of Chicago. He can be reached at:
[email protected]
January 2018
Alison Peck is an Instrument Program Scientist at
Gemini North. She can be reached at:
[email protected]
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Small subsection
of a solar
spectrum recorded
with MAROON-X at the
University of Chicago. For
comparison we overplot
the same region from the
solar atlas of Wallace et
al. (2011) obtained with
the Fourier Transform
Spectrometer (FTS)
at the McMath-Pierce
Telescope, reduced to
the spectral resolving
power of MAROON-X
(R = 80,000). In the
bottom of the figure we
show the simultaneously
recorded spectrum from
the MAROON-X etalon
calibrator. The spectra
have been flat-fielded
and are blaze corrected.