Figure 2.
In 10% bins, the
fraction of programs
ending the semester at
a given completeness
level. Top: an unusually
good semester (Gemini
South 2012A). Bottom:
an unusually bad
semester (Gemini
North 2014A).
The two charts in Figure 2 show histograms
of queue program completion at Gemini
South 2012A and Gemini North 2014A.
The very sparse tail of programs below the
100%-complete bin in the “exceptional” semester compares with large numbers of
programs ending at 90% and below in the
“bad” semester. Numerous programs were
not started at all in 2014A at Gemini North.
Note that the queue preferentially protects
Band 1 observations in a “bad” semester, as
it should. In the “exceptional” semester at
Gemini South the Band 1 completion exceeded that of Band 2, which in turn exceed-
ed that of Band 3. In a “normal” semester
(neither exceptional nor terrible) results lie
somewhere between these extremes, with
Band 1 completion higher than that in the
other two bands.
While Band 2 completion usually exceeds
that in Band 3 during a “normal” semester, it
is a signature of bad weather that in some
semesters Band 3, in which programs can
typically take poorer conditions, does better.
As you can see in Figure 1, in recent semesters, Band 3 has done well rel ]]