Recent Challenges
Figure 1 shows the average program completion rate of Bands 1-3 over the past five years.
Many factors are at play in these plots, but
we can single out examples of exceptionally
good and exceptionally bad semesters.
For instance, Semester 2012A at Gemini
South was particularly good, because more
science time became available when the Observatory cancelled planned commissioning
April 2016
work. The most recent semesters at Gemini
South have been challenging, especially
2015B, which we discuss later). Semester
2014A at Gemini North was unusually poor,
as bad weather and dome shutter failures hit
us hard; but we recovered and are now back
at roughly average performance compared
to the last five years.
Figure 1.
Average program
completion across
Bands 1, 2, and 3 (blue,
orange, and grey,
respectively), for all
semesters since 2010A.
Top: Gemini North.
Bottom: Gemini South.