Geek Syndicate
An honourable mention must go to the Liberator guns from Blake’s
7 – yes they did look like hair tongs, complete with curly cable, but
they redefined the expression “Avon Calling” for a generation.
The “Most Significant Contribution to Sci-Fi Lore” Award:
Phaser – Star Trek
There’s an old joke that says Star Wars kicks Star Trek’s butt because “blasters don’t have stun settings” but the standard-issue
firearm of the Star Trek franchise, in all its various incarnations
epitomises the very spirit of the Federation. It could be used to
stun or kill. Or as a blowtorch to cut through walls. Or as a handy
heat source – just set a low intensity and warm a rock with it. “Set
phasers to stun” became one of the Original Series’ most familia