Geek Syndicate Issue 8 | Page 27
Geek Syndicate
Image © DC Comics, 2013
What You Have and What You Need
Firstly I made a list of all the things I already had that I could use for the costume.
This would mean I wouldn’t be wasting my
student loan on items I already have. After
this inventory I found I had:
• blue cycle shorts (I believe costumes
should be accurate, but there is no way
to get me parading around a convention
floor in undies and a tie skirt!);
• a red spotty hair band;
• boots;
• a suspender belt.
Not a lot, but these would act as a base that
I could build on.
Next up, props. I looked into how other cosplayers made their gear and most of them
use latex moulds and other fun stuff. I didn’t
(and still don’t) know much about this, but
I do know how to do a good papier maché.
Ok, so I had to hope it wouldn’t rain over
This collectible statue shows the full detail of the costume
MCM weekend (PHA. We’ll get to that later). But, I can papier maché for free. Props I needed for
the costume included:
• 1x badass chainsaw;
• 2x spiky knee pads;
• 2x licence plate arm things;
• 1x moulded ‘STOP’ sign arm thing, made of 4 pieces;
• 1x bra that resembled an American football cut into two halves. (I was not going to use a real
football. I’m cosplaying Wonder Woman. Not a pointy boobed Madonna.)
Atomic Armour
Getting the materials for these was pretty easy. I had a load of cardboard boxes I’d used for
moving all my stuff to university so I just cut them up. Or you can go to your local supermarket
and ask for boxes. They’ll be happy to give them to you! I’d be using these for the armour and
part of the chainsaw. The idea was to papier maché the boxes to create texture, and then paint
over them.