Geek Syndicate Issue 8 | Page 26
Geek Syndicate
Image © DC Comics, 2013
COSPLAY ON A BUDGET ... Atomic Wonder Woman
The Costume: Atomic Wonder Woman From DC’s Infinite Crisis
I’ve only been cosplaying for a year or so now,
but I love it. I started off
with a partially complete
Wonder Woman costume
that I made myself and
developed it further for
each convention I went
to. Finally, it got to the
point where I didn’t
want to add more to it.
So what next?
Back when DC Infinite Crisis was announced, I fell in
love with Atomic Wonder
Woman. Unconventional
with her ‘STOP’ sign armour, tie skirt and badass
makeshift chainsaw, she
still showed the strength
and power of the original
Wonder Woman but in a
completely new way. I decided that Atomic Wonder
Woman would be my next
stage in developing my
Wonder Woman cosplay!
My previous costumes hadn’t cost me too much - I bought cheapish fabrics or had a rummage
through my fabric boxes to find what I needed and made the tiara and bracelets from cardboard.
Very basic stuff that turned out quite well! I think I spent around £20 in total on the finished costume (minus my Wonder Woman Converse, which were £45. But I don’t really count them as part
of my costume as I wear them nearly everyday).
Atomic Wonder Woman was going to be a very different story. She has so many different components to her costume, a lot of which aren’t made from fabric. I wanted to try and make the
entire thing myself. I prefer homemade costumes to shop bought ones any day! I think it shows
that you really care about the character you’re portraying and also, it’s wonderful when people
compliment you on your work. I’d been watching a lot of Just Cos on Nerdist and liked the idea
of making my costume on a budget. After all, I am a student, which dramatically cuts my funding for cosplay. Being a fashion student, there’s no excuse for me to not make my own costume.