Geatly Weekly Geatly Weekly | Page 8

What Beowulf Character Are You?

Q1: How often do you workout?

A. 2 times a day

B. Does lifting mead count?

C. Running the palace is a workout

D. I'm naturally fit

Q2: What color is prominent in your closet?

A. Blue

B. Green

C. Deep Purple

D. Fire red

Q3: Favorite pass time

A. Going on trips

B. Somewhere drinking booze

C. Somewhere counting gold

D. Somewhere eating

Q4: What's the most important aspect in your life?

A. Community service

B. Power

C. Friends & family

D. Myself

Q5: How would you describe your personality?

A. Humble, easygoing

B. Center of attention; not willing to meet new people

C. Reserved, wise

D. Shy, introvert

Q6: Out of your group of friends, you're considered the ____ type.

A. "ride or die"

B. party animal

C. responsible

D. "negative Nancy"

Answers in Back of Magazine


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