What makes a hero? is it their super natural power or ability? Maybe is their self sacrificing? Or is it the beasts, villians, trials, and tests the overcome? In most cases these are the exact archetypal characteristics of a hero. In the epic, Beowulf the only character to fit this description is Beowulf. But, is he a hero? I belive so. But why, you might ask.
In this epic, the main character, Beowulf, fights not one monster, but three. Yes i said Three and he does defeat all of them. A second reson as to why he's a hero is Beowulf's strong handgripe is his "supernatural power". He uses this handgripe to defeat one of the monsters in this poem, Grendel. He is also very windsome, another trait most heroes possess. Also, at the very end of the epic an older Beowulf sacrifices himself when battles a dragon terrorizing his kingdom and slowly dies after him and his cousin, Wiglaf, defeat it.
He possess all of the traits of a hero so he must be one! Right??
-Julia Wigfall
Geatly Weekly 7