Geared Up 2020 Issue 4 | Page 47

and enhanced in 2020 . While we all went to some great lengths to improve our practices , what we found was that getting back to basics and reminding our front-line staff what behaviors were important can have a dramatic impact on customer service . We have added new vendors for chemicals , new machines to disperse the chemicals , and new protective gear to keep the staff safe from those chemicals , but the visibility of the staff using those items was the most impactful
Health and safety , always the number one priority , was really evaluated and enhanced in 2020 . to customers . Cleanliness was always our standard , but how we achieved that goal was always up to interpretation .
Someone told me a story years ago about cleaning . He said that even if we had magical cleaning fairies come every night and make the place spotless , our members would still not feel like we were cleaning the gym . I came to understand that his point was that members needed to experience our staff actively touching the equipment with towels , mopping the floors and constantly tidying to believe . Everyone has a different level of what they believe clean and safe is in their own space . Seeing our staff actively living our promise of a healthy , clean environment will continue to keep us ahead of the competition .
Another of the positive behaviors we can continue using are the organizational communication methods that we have developed or enhanced . Prior to 2020 , many organizations were exploring ways to keep many leaders in different areas and states connected . Keeping your teams on the same page has become increasingly difficult as the business has grown with potentially many new locations not centrally located to your office . Regional Managers were most likely working in their assigned areas , communicating information to their clubs while reporting back to a central point of contact .
Before 2020 , would anyone have really questioned this practice ? Most likely we all would have liked to streamline it in some way , but it was a business norm . It is true that there were options . Weekly conference calls , newsletters and emails all have their place and are important , and I am not suggesting that any of us end those practices . Instead , I am reminding all of us , that through new apps and websites , we can still have the power to see and hear each other in real time without being in the same space . Better communication will have the benefits of reducing costs and advancing one agenda for the team .
It is a new year . New challenges will present themselves , even while we are still tackling the old challenges . To succeed we have to be determined to operate forward . Setting , or recommitting to , organizational goals of Leadership , People and Service and remembering the lessons 2020 taught us will allow us all to continue to thrive , pivot and thrive again . G
Brian Cassagio is director of operations for Planet Central Valley . He may be reached at brian @ pfcalifornia . com .
GearedUp | 2020 Issue 4