Geared Up 2020 Issue 4 | Page 44


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��� New Year

2020 Issue 4 | GearedUp

Getting ready for 2021 is a prospect that is top of mind for franchisees everywhere . From an operational standpoint , there is a lot to consider to ensure that clubs are prepared for the new year and the busy season , particularly with the additional challenges presented by the ongoing pandemic . It has not been an easy 2020 , which is why it is important to set up for success in 2021 .

What Clubs Need to Consider Operationally for 2021
Capacity Restrictions / Crowding
As the new year comes around and eventually gets underway , some of the operational concerns for clubs to consider revolve around higher daily usage . It is of utmost importance for franchisees to understand occupancy restrictions and other mandates that apply to them , and it is also important to anticipate high-traffic times to be prepared .
There should be protocol for when the club is close to capacity . For example , clubs can institute a waiting process for people not allowed into the club that includes explaining the situation , empathizing with the member and thanking them for their patience . As we get into winter , weather conditions will likely be unpleasant , so clubs can offer to take the member ’ s phone number and call them when they can enter so they can wait in the shelter of their car . A member count tracker should be implemented , and the Crowd Meter should be explained and reviewed with members . Franchisees can also look at trends for the month of January in previous years and check them against capacity restrictions to see if there are clubs or times of day that could present an overcrowding problem .
Other measures to help with capacity include displaying branded signage during busy times to request that members limit workout time to 45 minutes and having signage to encourage members to visit the club from 10 a . m . – 4 p . m . Clubs can also consider installing plastic partitions between cardio equipment .
Whatever the extra measures taken to address crowding are , it ’ s essential to communicate the plan to your team and to train on it .
Managing Employees
There is also a distinct possibility that team members will have to call out due to quarantine , and this is something clubs need to prepare for . Some suggestions to prepare for a high volume of COVIDrelated callouts are …
• Cross-train your trainer so they can perform front by Kate Betts desk responsibilities if needed .
• Add one or two part-time employees to help fill shifts for call outs or people who have been sent home .
• Add two to three subs to each club . Though it takes time and work to interview and onboard new people , subs can help if there is a shortage of employees . And they can easily become part-time or full-time employees when roles open .
• Add an overnight flex employee ( if applicable ).
• Schedule in pods . Have employees work staggered schedules with one crew working M / W / F , one crew working T / Th and one crew working weekends . This can reduce the chance that the entire team will have to quarantine at once .
Some franchisees might be concerned about budgeting by increasing team