GDES251_TheFinalSubmission_McCarthy_Andrew_W2018 GDES251_TheFinalSubmission_McCarthy_Andrew_W2018 | Page 23

Street View Street Food Peameal Bacon Culture Peameal bacon (also known as cornmeal bacon) is a type of back bacon made from lean boneless pork loin, trimmed fine, wet cured, and rolled in cornmeal. It is not smoked. Development is credited to a Toronto, Ontario, ham and bacon curer, William Davies. “Canadian bacon” or “Canadian-style bacon” is the American name for a form of back bacon that is cured, smoked and fully cooked, trimmed into cylindrical medallions, and thickly sliced.“Canadian” bacon is made only from the lean eye of the loin and is ready to eat. Its flavor is described as more ham-like than other types because of its lean cut. History The name “peameal bacon” derives from the historic practice of rolling the cured and trimmed boneless loin in dried and ground yellow peas to extend shelf life. Since the end of World War II it has been rolled in ground yellow cornmeal. Peameal bacon sandwiches are often considered a signature dish of Toronto’s St. Lawrence Market. The term “Canadian bacon” is not actually used in Canada, where the product is generally known simply as “back bacon” while “bacon” alone refers to the same streaky pork belly bacon. 23