Monday, September 9, 2018
8:30 - 9:00 am Athena A-E
Conference Welcome and Awards
9:00-10:30 am Athena A-E
Vanessa McNeal, Keynote
10:30-10:45 am Break
10:45-12:15 pm Workshops A
Athena A-E
Olympia 2
GridShock Documentary Understanding Forced and
Screening and Q&A
Child Marriage in the United
(Part I)
Parthenon 1 & 2
First, Do No Harm: Trauma Informed Interviewing
12:15-1:45 pm Athens F-J
1:45-2:00 pm Break
2:00-3:30 pm Workshops B
Athena A-E
The Voiceless
Documentary Screening
and Q&A
Olympia 2
Addressing Family Violence
and Sexual Assault Through
State Policy Change
Parthenon 1
The Intersection of
Domestic Violence &
Substance Abuse
Parthenon 2
Forced & Child Marriage
Continued: Advanced Safety
Planning & Opportunities for
Policy Advocacy (Part II)
Workshops A (10:45 AM - 12:15 PM)
Athena A-E
Gridshock Documentary Screening and Q&A
Vanessa McNeal
Gridshock is a riveting documentary exposing the hidden and disturbing reality behind the sex trafficking demand. The film,
which premiered in April 2019, features survivors of sex trafficking, local and federal law enforcement, advocates,
politicians, and a recovering sex addict.
Olympia 2
Understanding Forced and Child Marriage in the United States (Part I)
Casey Carter Swegman and Hellitz Villegas
Forced marriage is a serious problem in the United States (U.S.), impacting individuals of any gender, age, religion, cultural
background, national origin, or economic status. A form of family violence in and of itself, it often results in physical,
psychological and sexual abuse, and can intersect with human trafficking, female genital mutilation/cutting, and child abuse.
Survivors often face significant safety risks, legal barriers, and isolation, all of which are compounded for minors. This