GB Magazine February 2023 | Page 31

When a boy has identified his challenges and made new choices about how he wants to “ show up ” in his life , Boys to Men offers the second phase , Adventure Mountain Weekend . During this three-day
Strong connections are experience , made at Boys to Men the boys take a deeper dive into the work they have done through the school groups and create a roadmap to becoming the man they want to be . The roadmap includes the blocks , beliefs , issues and traumas that are sabotaging their lives . Through a series of processes , Boys to Men mentors facilitate each boy to a resolution that includes a commitment to move through the roadblocks and an action plan that supports his commitment . All his new choices are documented in writing , and he is handed a copy of his personal roadmap to his own success .
When the boys return to their weekly in-school sessions , the mentors follow up to review commitments made and to help each young man integrate his choices . The mentor ’ s job is simply to remind the boys of commitments made and support each one
The boys build trust among their peers and mentors in following through on those responsibilities , giving them control of their destiny .
Week by week Boys to Men mentees are getting rid of their secrets , making new choices and receiving consistent , reliable support . They start feeling better about themselves and when they feel better , they do better . The boys have a safe arena where they are honored for their courage and their feelings are validated .
The Boys to Men community mentoring approach is drawing high praise from school principals , administrators and teachers for its documented ability to improve academic performance , attendance and attitude as well as reduce disciplinary issues . This comprehensive approach to transformation has been the hallmark of Boys to Men for more than 25 years .
Join Boys to Men on April 22 at the Rooted in Resiliency Gala celebrating 25 years of changing the lives of young men in San Diego . For more information or to purchase tickets , call ( 619 ) 469-9599 or visit www . boystomen . org .