GB 530 Course Great Wisdom / GB 530 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 19

V. MARKETING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES (Goals and objectives are defined by customer needs and organizational needs and thus, result from a thorough analysis. Goals are broad, inspirational statements. Objectives focus on results and are stated with a time frame in mind. Both should be achievable, use resources wisely, but also stretch the organization and its people to a higher level.) What are your goals? (product and service quality, brand image, customer attitudes and opinions, social performance etc.) Usually stated inqualitative terms. What are your objectives? (market share, # of customers, # of units delivered/sold, # of prospects reached, # of prospects converted to customers, profits, other measures) Usually stated in quantitative terms. VI. MARKETING STRATEGY AND OBJECTIVES 1. Target Market Segment/Customer Group for this Strategy 1. Benefits Sought by this Target Market Segment/Customer Group 1. Basic Theme and Focus of the Marketing Strategy 1. Specific Elements of the Marketing Strategy (Marketing Mix) Product Strategy a. Recommendations for Product(s) (how does product help reach marketing objectives?) b. Recommendations on Tangible and Intangible Elements of Product