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Page 4 V WAW V V THE GAZETTE, EMPORIA, KANSAS “A Kansan who displays his wealth has hard sledding as an office seeker.” WL W V V V Tuesday, February 9, 2016 “This town has a one-track mind, and right now it is on Urban Renewal and nothing else.” WILLIAM LINDSAY WHITE WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE TEG VISUAL VOICES William Allen White, 1895-1944 William Lindsay White, 1944-1973 Kathrine Klinkenberg White, 1973-1988 Christopher White Walker Editor and Publisher — Ashley Knecht Walker Editor NEWSROOM Brandy Lee Nance Online and News Editor — Regina Denise Murphy Features Editor ­— Barbara White Walker Senior Editor MANAGEMENT Margie Sue McHaley Production Manager ­— Heather Dale Wedel Advertising Manager ­— Leann Marie Sanchez Regional Publications — Paul David Walker Publisher Emeritus EDITORIAL Common reading lists suggest diverse book selections In my life I have found the most interesting books were presented to me in school. My freshman year at K-State during orientation I received a free copy of the book “Zeitoun” by Dave Eggers. K-State has an organization called K-State Book Network. Since 2010, each school year the committee selects one book to recommend that incoming students read, although it is not required. “It is designed to provide a common experience to help first year students transition from high school to college, grow academically and socially, and share something with all other first year students,” said KSNB Chair Tara Coleman. Out of curiosity I picked up the book, started reading and it was great. “Zeitoun” tells the true-life story of Abdulrahman Zeitoun as he lived through Hurricane Katrina. A business owner, he stayed in New Orleans to protect his property and business, while his family evacuated the city. In the aftermath of the storm he is mistaken for a looter and is thrown into the American prison system. Of course, you’ll have to read the book for yourself to find out how things end but I was so intrigued by the story I found myself frequently discussing it with other students and looking into other books written by Eggers. Eggers, who I would now call one of my favorite authors, never would have come across my radar if it had not been for the K-State Book Network. On my own, I probably would not have picked up a nonfiction book.  In 2012 K-State’s book of the year was “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot. The non-fiction story accounts the life of an African American woman, Henrietta Lacks whose body provided the first immortal cancer cells. The cells called HeLa came from her cervical cancer tumor in 1951. The doctor took the cells without the consent of the family — however at the time consent was not required nor was it sought, according to an article by Harriet Washington in Emerge Magazine. Although her cells became the foundation of human permanent cell lines, throughout the years little has been taught about the woman who produced the cells. I am currently reading “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline, K-State’s common read from 2013. In this fiction book, Cline writes about life in the future where the United States faces poverty at its worst and the majority of people live life in an illusion of the virtual world OASIS. Main character Wade Watts devotes his life to solving the puzzles left behind by the OASIS creator. Billionaire OSASIS creator, James Halliday, left no will after his death but challenged OASIS players to solve a series of riddles that lead to the fortune … and the winner takes it all. You can find K-State’s common reads here: ✦✦K-State: Cathryne Scharton Reporter GOT AN OPINION? Share your point of view with our readers. Letters to The People Speak can be sent to The Emporia Gazette, Drawer C, Emporia, KS 66801; e-mailed to [email protected]; or faxed to 342-8108. Letters must be no longer than 300 words, be signed and contain an address and daytime phone number. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar, advertising, spelling and sense. The Gazette does not publish poetry or letters solely about personal religious beliefs. THEN I LAUGHED She’s my real mom SYLAS K AND I talk about adoption all the time. His adoption, my adoption, how he wants me to adopt him a brown baby. We cover it all. and she really loved me but couldn’t take care of me so she found my mom and knew she would love me so I got my real mom. Girl: Oh, so you are like his foster mom and then adopted him? Sylas: No, she is my real mom. She came to the hospital and I was a tiny, tiny baby and she was so happy to be my mom she did a happy dance. And she cried a lot. She cried so much that she couldn’t drive home fast. She had stop driving because she was crying she was so happy to have me. At this point I was laughing so hard I could hardly breathe. It was hilarious to hear my words coming out of his mouth. I did have to stop driving that day and call my sister because I was bawling that I finally had this precious little guy of my own. He was totally retelling the story I’ve told him count- He has only heard his adoption story about 4,732 times in his life. But as much as we talk about adoption I’ve never heard him answer adoption questions or talk about adoption on his own. Until this week … I went to visit him at the hospital yesterday and we were playing outside. He desperately wanted to introduce me to his friends. So I met a couple boys and, of course, they had no questions. Then he introduces me to a girl that is probably about 9. Girl: So are you his real mom? Me: Yes I’m Sylas’ mom. Girl: Yeah, but are you his real mom? Sylas: Yeah, she is my real mom. Well I have my birth mom less times. As I laughed the little girl looked right at me dead serious and said, “that’s where he gets that laugh from.” I wanted to hug her, too! If Sylas K gets his laugh from me I could never be happier. I’ve always wanted three things for him: ^To be funny and find the laughter in life. ^To be kind. ^To be bonded to his people. I figure if you have those three things in life you can’t go wrong. No matter how tough life gets, if you can laugh and be kind and find support in those that love you it will all work out in the V