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Oscar Pitorius trial
Oscar Pistorius was
using the internet on
his phone an hour before he shot and killed
girlfriend Reeva Steen
Kamp, the athlete's
murder trial has heard.
Ms Steenkamp on the
afternoon before she
died - February 13.
All of the conversations lasted less than
five minutes.
mention of the runner
asking his friend Darren Fresco to take the
Mr Roux said he did
not want to read out
one message, although
he did not say what
this related to.
Mr Roux highlighted
In his bail application, the fact that out of a
Pistorius said the pair large number of meshad gone to sleep
sages sent between the
by Michael.O.Connell
couple, more than
around 10pm.
1,700, police only
However, the court in found four where they
Pretoria heard comwere arguing.
munications data extracted from his phone He said in spite of
showed activity an
their arguments, the
hour before the Valen- couple were exchanging "crosses, baby,
tine's Day incident.
things like that".
Pistorius' lawyer Barry Roux is currently
A text sent to Ms
cross-examining poSteen Kamp appeared
lice IT expert Captain to show Pistorius adFrancois Moller, who mitting an incident
extracted texts and
where a gun was fired
WhatsApp messages
in a restaurant.
from their phones.
Mr Moller said that
The court heard there was the only message
were five calls behe found relating to
tween Pistorius and
this, and there was no