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Animal news
At a previous hearing Lee guy
had accepted a number of
charges, including the inhumane slaughter of chickens,
causing wild rats to be attacked
by dogs and taking ferral pigeons to feed ferrets.
The 42-year-old, of Harrowby
Road, also pleaded guilty to
causing an animal fight by placing a fox with 3 dogs.
His 63-year-old dad Ronald, of a
different Harrowby Road ad-
dress, had pleaded guilty to one
charge of the inappropriate
slaughter of chickens.
Referring to Lee guys role Chris
Murphy, prosecuting at wirral
magistrates court this morning,
said: "The charges involve the
slaughter of chickens, they involve the causing of wild rats to
be attacked by dogs. There are
3 offences relating to the rats
and there's also an offences relating to the feeding of wild pigeons to ferrets and an offence,
which the RSPCA say is perhaps the most serious of causing the animal fight to take between a fox and 3 dogs. The fox
was in a caged box and the 3
dogs were set upon the fox,
tearing it apart and killing it."
Several of the offences, which
took place between November
1, 2011, and June, 6, 2013, took
place in front of gathered
crowds and were captured on
By Nicole and Victoria
RTE News Says:
A few days ago, Xinhua
news agency said a Chinese
Ilyushin IL-76 aircraft spotted two "relatively big"
floating objects and several
smaller white ones dispersed
over several kilometres.
Over 150 of the passengers
on board the missing plane
were Chinese.
Investigators believe someone on the flight shut off the
plane's communications systems.
Partial military radar tracking showed it turning west
and re-crossing the Malay
Peninsula, apparently under
the control of a skilled pilot.
That has led them to focus
on hijacking or sabotage, but
investigators have not ruled
out technical problems.
Could this be the missing
Malaysian plane?
However, emergency managers have said many of
those still unaccounted for
could have been doublecounted.
Emergency management
chief John Pennington addThe death toll from a devas- ed: "I'm a man of faith and I
tating landslide in the US
believe in miracles, but I
state of Washington has risen think that we as a communito at least 14 with over 150
ty are beginning to realise
more potentially missing, as that we are moving towards
the White House announced a recovery operation."
federal help.
"Most of us believe that we
The number of people unac- will not find any individuals
counted for after the killer
alive," he added at an evenmudslide, described as "like ing briefing.
a small earthquake," rose to
176, in a rural community of The wall of mud, rocks and
180 citizens according to a
trees smashed into the rural
recent census.
town of Oslo.