Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 140, August 2016, pp. 1-21. | Page 7

7 A Hoopoe at the Gaza Sea Shore near the Fishermen Port, Gaza, Palestine. Photo by my friend the Researcher Ayman Dardouna from Gaza, Palestine. 19.11.2014. Hoopoe is a territorial animal. Territory is usually populated with a single mating couple. Male will readily fight with intruders to defend its territory. Fights can be very violent and may end with serious eye injuries that can lead to blindness (Soft Schools). Hoopoe requires cooler climate for breeding. Nests are built in the cavities of trees and stones. They have narrow entrance which prevents predators from entering. Female is responsible for the nest and for the eggs until the hatching. Male feeds the female during this period. Female secretes a substance of foul odor from the uropygial gland. This liquid smells like rotten meat. Due to unpleasant smell, most predators will stay away from the nest. On the other hand, insects (hoopoe's food) will be attracted. Number of eggs depends on the climate. It can range from 7 to 12 eggs per season. Eggs are milky white in color. They will hatch after incubation period of Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 140 – August 2016