Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 113, May 2014, pp. 1-26. | Page 20

20 Position in a system << Go back one level - Macropomoides species Macropomoides orientalis Woodward, 1942 system Vitae - living organisms domain Eukaryota Whittaker & Margulis, 1978 - lifeforms with nucletic cells superregnum Unikonta system Opisthokonta Cavalier-Smith, 1987 kingdom Animalia Linnaeus, 1758 - animals subregnum Eumetazoa Butschli, 1910 divisio Bilateria Hatschek, 1888 subdivisio Deuterostomia - deuterostomes phylum Chordata Bateson, 1885 - chordates subphylum Vertebrata Cuvier, 1812 - vertebrates infraphylum Gnathostomata Zittel, 1879 - jawed vertebrates superclassis Osteichthyes Huxley, 1880 - bony fishes class Sarcopterygii Romer, 1955 subclass Coelacanthimorpha superorder Actinistia order Coelacanthiformes Berg, 1937 - coelacanth family Latimeriidae Berg, 1940 - coelacanths genus Macropomoides † species † Macropomoides orientalis Woodward, 1942 † Position in a system. Species Macropomoides orientalis. BioLib. Biological Library. References and Internet Websites Association for the Preservation of the Coelacanth. Attenborough, David (1979). Life on Ea rth. Collins, London, Glasgow, Sydney, Auckland, Toronto, Johannesburg, and the British Broadcasting Corporation, London. 319 pp. Blancpain. Project Gombessa. Bone, Quentin and Moore, Richard H. (2008). Biology of Fishes. 3rd (third) edition. published by Taylor & Francis, New York. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 113 – May 2014