Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 113, May 2014, pp. 1-26. | Page 19

19 Focus magazine (2003): "According to fossils, fish emerged some 470 million years ago. The coelacanth emerged 60 million years after that. It is astonishing that this creature, which would be expected to possess very primitive features, actually has a most complex structure." For evolutionists insisting on a gradual process of evolution, the appearance of the coelacanth with its complex structure naturally came as a major surprise. Yet there is nothing surprising about this at all. Any rational person is able to understand that God creates all living things, together with their complex structures, in the form and at the time He so desires, and in a single moment. The entities flawlessly created by God are all means by which His might and power can be appreciated (Harun Yahya). Coelacanth Fossil with both negative and positive slabs from the Middle Cretaceous, Cenomanian Stage (95 million years ago) from Lebanon. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 113 – May 2014