Gavrikneri Oracuyc Gavrikneri orcacuyc

A Sample ACM SIG Proceedings Paper in LaTeX Format [Extended Abstract] ‡ Ben Trovato Institute for Clarity in Documentation 1932 Wallamaloo Lane Wallamaloo, New Zealand † § ¶ G.K.M. Tobin Lars Thørväld Institute for Clarity in Documentation P.O. Box 1212 Dublin, Ohio 43017-6221 [email protected] Lawrence P. Leipuner [email protected] Sean Fogarty Brookhaven Laboratories Brookhaven National Lab P.O. Box 5000 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field California 94035 Palmer Research Laboratories 8600 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, Texas 78229 [email protected][email protected] [email protected] The Thørväld Group 1 Thørväld Circle Hekla, Iceland Charles Palmer [email protected] ABSTRACT Categories and Subject Descriptors This paper provides a sample of a LATEX document which conforms to the formatting guidelines for ACM SIG Proceedings. It complements the document Author’s Guide to Preparing ACM SIG Proceedings Using LATEX2 and BibTEX. This source file has been written with the intention of being compiled under LATEX2 and BibTeX. H.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Miscellaneous; D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics—complexity measures, performance measures The developers have tried to include every imaginable sort of “bells and whistles", such as a subtitle, footnotes on title, subtitle and authors, as well as in the text, and every optional component (e.g. Acknowledgments, Additional Authors, Appendices), not to mention examples of equations, theorems, tables and figures. To make best use of this sample document, run it through LATEX and BibTeX, and compare this source code with the printed output produced by the dvi file. ∗(Does NOT produce the permission block, copyright information nor page numbering). For use with ACM_PROC_ARTICLE-SP.CLS. Supported by ACM. †A full version of this paper is available as Author’s Guide to Preparing ACM SIG Proceedings Using LATEX2 and BibTeX at ‡Dr. Trovato insisted his name be first. §The secretary disavows any knowledge of this author’s actions. ¶This author is the one who did all the really hard work. General Terms Theory Keywords ACM proceedings, LATEX, text tagging 1. INTRODUCTION The proceedings are the records of a conference. ACM seeks to give these conference by-products a uniform, high-quality appearance. To do this, ACM has some rigid requirements for the format of the proceedings documents: there is a specified format (balanced double columns), a specified set of fonts (Arial or Helvetica and Times Roman) in certain specified sizes (for instance, 9 point for body copy), a specified live area (18 × 23.5 cm [7" × 9.25"]) centered on the page, specified size of margins (1.9 cm [0.75"]) top, (2.54 cm [1"]) bottom and (1.9 cm [.75"]) left and right; specified column width (8.45 cm [3.33"]) and gutter size (.83 cm [.33"]). The good news is, with only a handful of manual settings1 , the LATEX document class file handles all of this for you. The remainder of this document is concerned with showing, in the context of an “actual” document, the LATEX commands specifically available for denoting the structure of a proceedings paper, rather than with giving rigorous descriptions or explanations of such commands. 1 Two of these, the \numberofauthors and \alignauthor commands, you have already used; another, \balancecolumns, will be used in your very last run of LATEX to ensure balanced column heights on the last page.