Gauteng’s dirtiest air is ... where?
iven all the industries
and machines around
us that belch smoke
into our air, we
Gautengers live in a remark-
ably dirty environment. And
here's just HOW dirty.
Take a guess ... (and we!ll bet
you get it wrong)
The most recent World
Health Organization update
to the Global Urban Ambient
Air Pollution Database came
the world, measuring fine
particle matter (both PM2 , 5
and PM10 microns) in
per cubic metre
up with a surprise in terms of micrograms
the area in South Africa with
And in the latest figures,
the dirtiest air. The database
covers over 3 000 cities across Hartbeespoort has the
unenviable honour of having
the dirtiest air.
The region's air quality is
adversely affected by its
proximity to Tshwane and
blend in so well with the
Johannesburg, as well as to
leaves on the trees. Has
mining operations in the Brits
anyone else seen them in the area. Tshwane is second in
South Africa and Johannes-
Rosemary D
Continued on page 6
ID these ‘LGBs’ (little green birds)
ir ~ Are any of your
readers able to identify
the small flock of green
birds that has been seen
in the Bredell area recently?
When I first saw them I
thought they might be
Rosyfaced Lovebirds, but
when they flew into our
garden again I noticed that
they have long tails like a
According to the Invasive
Species South Africa website
krameri), the Rose-ringed
Parakeet is the most invasive
parrot species.
I couldn't get a photo as they
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