Gauge Newsletter September 2016 | Page 8


Unlike maintaining unused computing capacities in-house , by adapting to cloud computing , firms are able to scale consumption depending on the demand , and thus saving overhead costs .
Source : http :// cloudpost . us

With the rapid development in communication technologies , ‘ Cloud ’ has surely become a day today word in the community nowadays . This article aims at giving a wider picture of this concept , commonly known as ‘ cloud computing ’.

Cloud computing is a term for delivering different levels and types of computing and computer related services over the internet . In other words , maintaining non-local storage and computing facilities to be used as and when required , rather than maintaining infrastructure in-house . The cloud ‘ storages ’ that you and I use day in and day out are just one aspect of this concept .
By using cloud computing , businesses could gain a lot of benefits . One of the most important benefits is , size flexibility . Unlike maintaining unused computing capacities in-house , by adapting to cloud computing , firms are able to scale consumption depending on the demand , and thus saving overhead costs . In addition , easy access to updated technologies and resources gives an edge for businesses to stay in the competition .
From the viewpoint of the business entities , usually they have a different concern ; that is , the security and privacy . As advantageous as it seems , even small security and privacy flaws are not going to be things that the businesses are going to risk . Hence , the following types of cloud computing have originated ; private , public and hybrid .
In ‘ public clouds ’, a third party provider sells the service , typically on a time basis . Some organizations currently offering these kinds of services are , Amazon Web Services ( AWS ), Microsoft Azure , and Google Compute Engine .
In ‘ private clouds ’, businesses get the service from dedicated internal data centers , with which they can withhold the control and security of data as well as operations .
‘ Hybrid clouds ’, as the name suggests , is a combination of public and private cloud services . To explain further , companies use private clouds for their sensitive information and operations while they also use public clouds for secondary operations to scale the workload against demand .
8 Gauge Newsletter University of Peradeniya