Gauge Newsletter September 2016 | Page 7

typical movements. The abnormalities are In many countries of the world, Sports compared with normal gait function at Engineering is a recognized profession and baseline. Multiple sources of data are used the government provides support to train to understand conflicting observations. these professionals. Only these recognized professionals are allowed to advise Source: The algorithm used to transform the data the sportsmen of the country. But, in Sri collected in walking trials into the infor- Lanka, there are no professionals specially mation required for clinical interpretation trained in Sports Biomechanics although is called the Clinical Gait Model. As an the presence of a Sports Engineer is very example, the 3D displacement data col- important for an Olympic Team. This is lected with the markers placed on the a serious problem that the authorities body is used to calculate the angles that responsible must be concerned about for describe how the body is moving. The development in sports of Sri Lanka. model should be a general one that could cameras are used to measure motion, be used for subjects of ages ranging from electrodes on the surface of the skin are small children to adults and also it should WASUNDARA JAYAWARDANA used to observe muscle activity and force be suitable to be used in a clinical setting. Department of Electrical & Electronic platforms are embedded in a walkway Clinical Gait Analysis is one of the best Engineering to monitor the forces and torques of the methods to identify foot, leg, knee or hip (Final Year) subject and the ground. The team that pains arose due to sports injuries and collaborates to perform a clinical gait professional sportsmen tend to use this analysis includes a physician, a physical technique frequently nowadays. Although therapist and an engineer or technician. this technique was developed for over a References hundred years, biomedical engineers and 1. J.D. Enderle, S.M. Blanchard, J.D. External markers are placed on the sur- physicists are in the opinion that there Bronzino, “Biomechanics” in Introduction face of the subject’s skin and they are still remains an opportunity for a vast to Biomedical Engineering, 2nd Edition, observed through special video cameras development in the process. Burlington, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005, while he walks on a straight level pathway. This motion is then combined with muscle activity and the reaction of the subject with the ground to produce a biomechanical analysis of locomotion. The following data are collected during a clinical gait analysis; • Video recordings • Clinical measures • Stride and temporal gait data, such as step length, cadence and walking speed • 3D joint and segment motion plots • 3D joint torque or moment and power results • Electromyography tracings (to observe muscle activity) • A measurement of metabolic energy expenditure The data collected is then used to monitor the subject’s movements accurately ch. 4, sec. 6, pp. 169-186 “In sports, the knowledge of biomechanics is considered to be very important as it is the most common method used to improve an athlete’s performance and also to identify injuries and treat them.” 2. P. McGinnis. (n.d.). Apply Biomechanics to Improve Techniques. [Online] Available at : [Accessed on July 22nd, 2016] 3. R.B. Davis, S. Ounpuu, P.A. DeLuca, M.J. Romness. (2002). Clinical Gait Analysis and its Role in Treatment-Decision Making. [Online]. Available at : http:// [Accessed on July 22nd, 2016] ensuring that no change is done to his Gauge Newsletter University of Peradeniya 7