tion and, software and processing power takes a step forward to enable the vehicle
to move automatically on highways. As per the final procedure, the vehicle is further
upgraded so that it drives itself safely in every condition.
If these types of vehicles were to be brought on to the normal roads, heavy traffic
congestion could be controlled while the costs can be reduced. As the systems are fed
with all the information needed to find shortcuts and drive obeying the rules, road
signs are not needed. However, they have to be installed considering pedestrians.
The number of crashes could be pushed to a minimum if the controlled systems are
properly working. Senior citizens, underage children, disabled and intoxicated drivers
can still move safely without damaging living beings or properties. With the reduction
of crashes, the insurance will be less required.
Vehicles being driverless, steering wheels, pedals and gear sticks can be moved out
saving weight and fuel. Users will be given the facilities of connecting with the vehicles using their phones.
Though the existence of autonomous vehicles is making our lives easier, plenty of
time is consumed to convert the non-autonomous to autonomous. Some of the owners might not be willing to let go of the steering wheel. They will prefer driving.
Other than mechanical aspects, if these types of vehicles run on the road, new government regulations and legal acts have to be formulated. These could become a
security threat because they can be used as bomb carriers.
When considering technical aspects regarding these vehicles the software has to be
very reliable and the components used (sensors and other electronic devices) have to
be in their optimal conditions and they cannot ever make even a slight mistake.
The computer systems used in these types of vehicles could be hacked by other parties. Each vehicle has to share information from the vehicle to vehicle in order to
in 1980’s, but earlier there were proto-
have a safe ride. This could enhance the chance of compromising the system.
types and researches going on. Including
Navigation systems might alter with the changing of weather conditions. For an
Google and Telsa companies have
autonomous car to be driven as expected high-quality maps have to be fed into the
announced that their self-driving tech-
system. Most of all, to promote the automated vehicles, the road infrastructure must
nology is coming out in 2020.
be at its supreme conditions. Even if all the conditions are fulfilled, the next thing
In the process of converting a human-
that is going to matter is whether the consumers can afford an autonomous car.
driven car to a driverless car, some
However, with the rapid development of technology and improvement of engineering,
installations, as well as the removal of
witnessing these vehicles on the road in another ten to fifteen years would not be a
some components, are done. At first, a
mere dream.
camera or a radar is installed to warn if
the vehicle drifts out of a lane and an
intelligent cruise control system is used
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
to adjust the vehicle speed if the vehicle
(Second Year)
in front slows down. Next, technologies
are upgraded so that the vehicle could
automatically brake or steer around an
obstacle. This is actually a combination
of longitudinal and lateral control.
In the next stage, some of the driver’s
functions are taken over while providing
more awareness about its environment.
Now the vehicle is improved up to breaking and accelerating automatically via
multi-sensor approach. Moving along,
the driver is totally taken off the equa-
Source: http://futurehumanevolution.com
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University of Peradeniya