Gauge Newsletter September 2016 | Page 28

VEHICLES BECOMING AUTONOMOUS Source: W ith the passage of time, by every human being. So autonomous Detection, And Ranging), on the other almost all the commodi- cars have come into being as a result of hand, is a surveying technology that ties have become auto- the higher demand. An autonomous car measures distance by illuminating mated. They spread over which also goes by the names such as a the target with a laser light.Global a huge range varying from a simple driverless car, self-driving car or robotic Positioning System (GPS) provides loca- toothbrush used in our houses to a robot car is a vehicle that has the capability tion and time information in all weather in a factory. Now a day more interest is of sensing its environment and navigate conditions, using a global navigation directed towards modes of automated without human input. satellite system. Use of data from motion transportation. Several techniques such as RADAR, sensors to estimate the change in posi- Vehicles are one of the most wanted and LIDAR, GPS, odometry and computer tion over time describes odometry. most used commodities in every country vision are used to detect the surround- Computer vision is a field that includes ings in the vehi- methods for acquiring, processing, ana- cles. lyzing and understanding images. RADAR (Radio Above phenomena collaborate with the Detection And objective of detecting obstacles and Ranging) is an appropriate paths to move the vehicles object detection safely. Control systems are embedded system that uses inside the vehicles so that they will be radio waves to capable of analyzing sensory data to determine the distinguish between cars on the road and range, angle or other obstacles which will play a major velocity of the role in planning a path to the desired object. LIDAR destination. (Light Imaging, A glimpse of autonomous cars surfaced Source: 28 Gauge Newsletter University of Peradeniya