Gauge Newsletter September 2016 | Page 24

two methods of job scheduling: the Executive and the Waitlist. The Executive handled seven jobs at once while the Waitlist could handle nine short tasks with less than 4 milliseconds of execution time. The Executive did controlling jobs where it assigns the executed job a “coreset” of 12 erasable memory locations. The LEM computer had eight coresets while CM had seven coresets. The correct choice of a programming language will decide the correctness and simplicity of the program and Source: arose due to the lack of memory. ly prior to the launch. Four months be- The Apollo guidance computer used fore the launch, the core ropes should core rope memory system that was be completed and implemented into used in Mars probe computers. This the spacecraft. technology was similar to the magnet- According to the designers, acting as a ic core memory. But instead of mag- backup to the Saturn booster, target- netizing the individual cores clock- ing, controlling aborts, navigation and wise or counter-clockwise to store 1s flight controls, attitude determination and 0s, each core rope was treated and control and digital autopilot tasks as a transformer core inside the ma- were identified as the capabilities trix of discrete wires. The wires run- that Apollo software should possess. ning through the core stored 1s and In order to meet these requirements, the wires bypassing the core stored the Apollo guidance computer had a 0s. Even though it was advantageous priority interrupt sy stem where high- to put more information in less space est priority task was executed first, using this technology, the data stored and the rest were followed according in it could not be changed when the to the priority level. The programs had how much burden it will give the programmer. Since the machine language and the assembly language put too much responsibility in the hands of the programmer, MIT created a higher order language for Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) that could translate the program into a series of subroutines at the execution time. Though this language was slower in processing speed compared to the assembly language, it required less space to execute the same task where it took 24 milliseconds to execute an average instruction. Instead of 11 instructions in the assembler, 128 pseudo instructions were defined in the interpreter ropes are manufactured. This has constrained the NASA software developers as they have to deliver perfect, error-free software earlier such that the ropes are manufactured correctly and tested. S O F TWA R E In the requirements specification of the software for the spacecraft guidance and navigation, NASA planned to review the Guidance and Navigation System Operations Plan (GSOP) at 18 months, 16 months, 14 months and 13.5 months respectively before the launch. The final programs were supposed to be finished and tested by 10.5 months and 8 months respective- 24 Gauge Newsletter The Lunar Module Computer Interface • Source: University of Peradeniya