Band
and
Color
Guard
News
Flags
were
flying
high
with
their
red,
white
and
blue
as
Gateway
color
guard
and
marching
band
members
proudly
performed
in
a
Welcome
Home
ceremony
for
Lance
Corporal
Joshua
Goulart
on
June
14th
at
the
Westville
Fire
House.
Joshua,
a
brother
firefighter
and
Gateway
alumnus,
was
being
celebrated
upon
his
return
home
from
his
deployment
to
Afghanistan.
Gateway
is
proud
to
have
the
privilege
of
honoring
one
of
their
own.
Gateway
marching
band,
along
with
color
guard
members,
made
triumphant
music
as
well
as
an
impressive
sight
as
they
marched
in
formation
down
the
main
street
of
Westville
in
the
100th
Anniversary
Parade
on
May
10th.