Oh
no
–
the
age-‐old
question
of
“What
to
wear?”
–
conform
to
the
masses
or
dare
to
wear
your
own
individual
style?
All
students
go
through
this
–
but
the
girls
seem
to
be
most
affected.
(l-‐r)
Samantha
Chew,
Jordan
Bell,
Colin
Kupsey,
Julia
Weikart,
Helena
McBride,
Sophie
Friend
and
Bridget
Mitchell.
After
being
dropped
by
some
of
her
friends
because
of
her
hideous
sneakers
(which
were
not
hideous
at
all)
a
middle
school
student
(Erin
Galczynski)
does
some
research
on
acceptable
sneakers
and
shows
her
mother
(Paige
Ubil)
the
advertisement.
And
they
only
cost
$600!
But
isn’t
it
worth