Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2019 | Page 16

Photo Editor GWANGHWAMUN GATE By Sean Pavona Passing vehicles are captured with a slow shutter speed technique in front of Gwanghwamun Gate in Gyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul, South Korea. Built by the Joseon Dynasty, the palace is a symbol of the majesty of the dynasty and the people of Korea. Lalu-lalang kendaraan yang melintas diabadikan dengan teknik fotografi rana berkecepatan rendah di depan Gerbang Gwanghwamun, Istana Gyeongbokgung, Seoul, Korea Selatan. Istana yang dibangun oleh Dinasti Joseon ini adalah simbol keagungan kerajaan dan rakyat Korea. La: 37° 34’ 32.4" N Lo: 126° 58’ 37.1" E 14