Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2019 | Page 15
Photo Editor
By Yunaidi Joepoet
A fisherman paddles
his boat on Lake
Kerinci, Jambi, with its
backdrop of Bukit
Barisan Mountains. In
addition to Lake Kerinci,
the district's tourist
attractions include
Gunung Tujuh Lake,
Kayu Aro Tea Plantation,
and Mount Kerinci –
located within Kerinci
Seblat National Park,
home to a wide range
of endemic species.
Nelayan mengayuh
sampan di Danau
Kerinci, Jambi dengan
latar Pegunungan Bukit
Barisan. Selain Danau
Kerinci yang menjadi
daya tarik kabupaten ini,
ada pula Danau Gunung
Tujuh, Perkebunan Teh
Kayu Aro, dan Gunung
Kerinci yang masuk ke
dalam kawasan Taman
Nasional Kerinci Seblat,
rumah bagi ragam
satwa endemik.
La: 2° 09’ 51.1" S
Lo: 101° 31’ 48.8" E