Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2018 | Page 33
Explore | What’s On
Autumn Festivals, Japan, September–October
Melbourne International Arts Festival 2018
October 3–21
Autumn festivals are held throughout Japan
at this time of year – it’s a glorious time to
visit. Nagasaki Kunchi (October 7–9) features
Chinese-influenced float parades and dances,
Kyoto holds Japan’s oldest horseback archery
festival, the Kasagake Ritual, on October 21,
while a colourful procession is the highlight
of Tokyo’s Edo Tenka Matsuri in late October.
Selama bulan tersebut, yang ideal
untuk berwisata, se luruh penjuru Jepang
disemarakkan beragam festival musim gugur.
Nagasaki Kunchi (7–9 Oktober) dimeriahkan
arak-arakan perahu hias Tiongkok dan
tari-tarian. Ada pula Kasagake Ritual (21
Oktober) di Kyoto, festival ketangkasan
memanah di atas kuda, serta festival terbesar
di Tokyo, Edo Tenka Matsuri, di akhir Oktober.
With highlights including contemporary
circus, a performance by post-punk legends
The The and an outdoor fire spectacular,
this festival offers a spectacular line up,
from contemporary to classical music,
dance, theatre and visual arts.
Dimeriahkan sirkus kontemporer, grup
musik legendaris beraliran post-punk The The,
dan pertunjukan kembang api spektakuler,
festival ini menyediakan beragam hiburan,
mulai dari musik kontemporer hingga musik
klasik, pertunjukan tari, teater dan seni visual.
Phuket Vegetarian Festival, Thailand
October 8–17
Concurs De Castells, Tarragona, Spain, October 6–7
Watch as 42 teams try to outwit gravity by
building the tallest human tower during this
two-day competition. A celebration of
Catalan culture, the event also includes street
performances, fireworks and concerts.
Tonton aksi dari 42 tim yang saling
berkompetisi membentuk “menara manusia”
tertinggi selama dua hari pertandingan.
Dalam rangka merayakan budaya Catalan,
acara ini dimeriahkan pula dengan deretan
pawai, kembang api dan konser.
So named because participants abstain
from meat, this festival is known worldwide
for its intense ceremonies, including fire
walking and piercing of the cheeks with
knives and other sharp objects.
Dinamakan sesuai pesertanya yang
vegetarian, festival ini terkenal dengan
upacara adat yang menegangkan, seperti
berjalan di atas bara dan menusuk pipi
dengan pisau atau benda tajam lainnya.