Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine May 2014 | Page 30

28 Explore | Masterclass Win Horse Power My Bird A horseman rides alongside a jeep near majestic Mt Bromo. I captured this moment as the horse and jeep began to pick up speed, creating a thick cloud of dust made dramatic by lighting from the side. I used an opening of f5.6 to accentuate the texture of the large dust cloud, and set the ISO to 160 with a speed of 1/800 to maintain focus on the quickly moving subjects. Every morning Mr Parman takes his turtle dove to enjoy the morning light and listen to its melodic song. I took this photo with the light coming from directly behind him. The billowing smoke in the frame gave the shot a touch of drama. The rim light hit just right to emphasise the texture of the smoke, the man and his bird. ISO 400, f3.5 1/400. Seorang pria menunggang kuda di samping sebuah jip dengan latar belakang panorama Gunung Bromo. Saya memotret momen ini ketika kuda dan jip mulai melaju, menciptakan gumpalan debu tebal yang didramatisir oleh pencahayaan dari samping. Saya gunakan bukaan f5.6 untuk menonjolkan tekstur debu yang tebal, ISO 160 dengan kecepatan lensa 1/800 untuk mempertahankan fokus dari obyek yang bergerak cepat. Setiap pagi Pak Parman mendengarkan nyanyian perkutut peliharaannya sambil menikmati cahaya pagi. Saya mengambil foto ini dengan cahaya langsung dari arah belakang. Kepulan asap yang tertangkap dalam foto kian memberi efek dramatis. Cahaya latar belakang semakin menonjolkan tekstur asap rokok Pak Parman dan burung peliharaannya. ISO 400, f3.5 1/400. Yeaaaaaahh...! Patience and luck will always be two important factors in any form of photography. I snapped this shot just as the child caught the fish and gave a cheer as he reeled it in one morning in Munjul village in Bogor. The lighting at the time was not very strong, but there was great side-lighting shining through. To capture the movement of reeling the fish in, I increased the speed. ISO 400, f3.2 1/400. Kesabaran dan keberuntungan akan selalu menjadi faktor penting dalam fotografi. Saya mengambil foto ini ketika seorang anak bersorak saat berhasil menangkap ikan pada suatu pagi di Desa Munjul, Bogor. Pencahayaan pada saat itu tidak terlalu kuat namun terdapat pencahayaan samping yang cukup bagus. Untuk menangkap pergerakan ikan saya gunakan ISO 400, f3.2 1/400. See page 232 The Canon PowerShot SX50 HS boasts a DIGIC 5 processor and 12.1 megapixel CMOS image sensor, with an incredible zoom function, which can be increased up to 100x. Together with its excellent image stabilisation and myriad shooting modes, this is a great camer a for any avid traveller. Canon PowerShot SX50 HS memiliki DIGIC 5 processor dan 12.1 megapixel CMOS image Sensor, lengkap dengan fungsi zoom 100x. Image stabilization dan beragam fitur pengambilan gambar, kamera ini pas menemani pelancong sejati.