Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine January 2018 | Page 18
Explore | Photo Editor
La:8° 46' 9" S Lo: 120° 17' 2" E
Waerebo Traditional Village,
by Suwandi Chandra
This aerial shot of Waerebo on Flores
Island highlights the seclusion of the village
from the outside world. Recognised by
UNESCO for its rebuilding of the Mbaru
Niang traditional house, the village is
completely surrounded by dense forest.
Foto udara Desa Waerebo di Pulau
Flores ini memperlihatkan keterasingannya
dari dunia luar. Desa peraih penghargaan
dari UNESCO atas pembangunan kembali
rumah-rumah tradisional Mbaru Niang
ini benar-benar diselimuti hutan lebat.
Jakarta to Labuan Bajo
7 flights per week
Blue Star, The Netherlands
by Jesús M. García
This kaleidoscopic picture was taken
in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The houses
are called ‘cubic houses’ or Kubuswoningen,
and were designed by Dutch architect
Piet Blom in 1984.
Jakarta to Amsterdam
3 flights per week
Gambar kaleidoskop ini diambil
di Rotterdam, Belanda. Rumah-rumah
y ang disebut “rumah kubik” atau
Kubuswoningen ini dirancang oleh arsitek
Belanda Piet Blom pada tahun 1984.
La: 51° 55' 13" N Lo: 4° 29' 26.7" E