Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine January 2017 | Page 83

Travel | Chengdu
Travel Tips Chengdu Halal Restaurants
Yue Xiang Cun
The restaurant serves Halal Sichuan cuisine and is very famous amongst the Muslim community of Chengdu .
Restoran ini menyajikan kuliner halal khas Sichuan dan sangat populer di kalangan komunitas muslim Chengdu .
No . 66 Dongchenggen South Street
Tianfang Lou
The restaurant serves Sichuan and Xinjiang Halal cuisine with chicken and mutton skewers as the most popular dishes .
Restoran ini menyajikan masakan halal khas Sichuan dan Xinjiang . Satai ayam dan kambing adalah menu andalannya .
No . 108 Xiyu Street , Qingyang District , Chengdu
Mapo tofu exemplifies how Chengdu people like their food : spicy and oily . As far as they ’ re concerned , it ’ s beneficial for the body ’ s yin and yang .
wheat noodles ( the dense , al dente variety ) in a selection of guises – all based around the mala flavour . Hand your receipt in to the glass-walled kitchen , and then watch the cook splash a sequence of sauces , powders and oils over them … The bowl looks as splashily artistic as a Jackson Pollock canvas and is the culinary equivalent of such painterly creativity . You can enjoy this work of art at a little table inside , or as some locals do by slurping up the noodles ‘ on the hoof ’, by standing outside watching the world go by in between mouthfuls .
The dish of choice at Dongzikou Zhang Lao ’ er Liangfen is tian shui mian , sweet-water noodles – it ’ s moreishly savoury , sweet , spicy and utterly satisfying . A paragon of Sichuan cooking .
Just a few doors along , Chen Mapo Doufu offers another equally impressive opportunity to explore mala … and through a classic dish that ’ s on menus around the world , but that is rarely instilled with such a sophisticated melding of flavours and textures : mapo tofu .
The story goes that it ’ s named after a late 19 th -century restaurateur whose joint near Chengdu ’ s Wanfu Bridge really took off when she introduced this spicy tofu dish . Her name was Madame Chen , and Chen Mapo Doufu restaurant claims direct descent from her .
‘ Pock-marked old lady ’ s tofu ’, as it translates , is a deceptively complex dish . It ’ s more than just spicy tofu . As silken , bland bean curd in a gritty , oily sauce , it ’ s a taste journey through textures and flavours , and the ideal ( if possibly addictive ) way to explore the mala effect .
Mapo tofu exemplifies how Chengdu people like their food : spicy and oily . As far as they ’ re concerned , it ’ s beneficial for the body ’ s yin and yang . The damp , oft overcast climate is good for the province ’ s rice , sweet potato and wheat crops , but undermines the body ’ s hot – cold balance . Fortunately , pungent cookery helps rectify that . And though the food is fiery , Sichuan folk are a cool , relaxed crowd – taking life at a slower , more considered pace than their Beijing or Shanghai compatriots .
Once all the Wenshuyuan tofu and noodles have been scoffed , consider heading around the corner onto Toufu Street , which is end-toend teahouses that spill out onto the pavement with comfy bamboo chairs . Near the junction with Wuyuegong Street , Wenshuyuan Bakery serves some delicious cakes and breads , as does nearby Gongting Pastry Shop . The big queues attest to that . Try Gongting ’ s salt-and-huajiao cookies – they ’ re good to nibble on with a Sichuan tea , especially bitan piaoxue ,
One of the busiest Halal restaurants in Chengdu with tomato and beef soup and rice flour steamed beef as the most popular choices .
Salah satu restoran yang terkenal di Chengdu , dengan menu seperti sup tomat dan daging sapi serta daging sapi dengan tepung beras yang dikukus .
No . 108 Xiyu Street , Qingyang District , Chengdu
Safari Dubai
Safari Dubai Restaurant is known for its range of Halal Lebanese , Mediterranean and Turkish cuisine .
Salah satu restoran yang terkenal karena menu halal khas Libanon , Mediterania , dan Turki .
No . 150 Kehua Zhong Road , No . 7 Jinying Huixin Block 3 , Chengdu
The character qing ( meaning ‘ emotion ’ or ‘ affection ’) on Manjushri , or Wenshu , Monastery ’ s red ochre wall .