Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine January 2017 | Page 71

Explore | Flavours
69 stefano baldini / Alamy Stock Photo ; © LittlePigPower / Shutterstock ; © Lisa Virgiano
It ’ s no secret that rice plays an important , even integral , part in every Indonesian meal . While white jasmine rice is found most abundantly across the archipelago , that ’ s just the tip of the rice paddy .
Rice is basically just the seed of an old grass , oryza sativa , but this special cereal has become the principal form of sustenance for a large part of the world . Rice was likely domesticated about 8,000 to 12,000 years ago in China ’ s Pearl River Valley . Although many of the world ’ s best-known rice dishes are Italian or Spanish , oryza sativa wasn ’ t likely in either of those places until at least the 10 th century and didn ’ t take hold until almost 500 years later . So , no paella for the Crusaders , but maybe risotto for the Renaissance .
In Southeast Asia and other tropical zones , rice can be a perennial plant , or a plant that completes its life cycle each year , even though it is normally considered an annual in many other places around the world . As anyone who has tried it can testify , rice cultivation is backbreaking work and requires massive quantities of fresh water . After harvesting , the seeds are milled to remove the husks and may be further processed to remove the germ . The commonly found white rice is sorely lacking in basic nutrients , and regrettably , despite providing nearly 20 per cent of the world ’ s calories , requires the addition of lots of vitamins to make it really healthy for you .
Rice was introduced relatively recently to Indonesia , but has really taken over as the carbohydrate of choice . As the world ’ s third largest rice producer , Indonesia depends on this magical crop to sustain its population ( now the world ’ s fourth largest ) across the thousands of miles of glorious archipelago . Nearly half of all Indonesia ’ s consumed food is rice , so much so that the government has encouraged people to learn how to prepare potatoes and cassava ! Rice remains critical to the agricultural community despite a challenging supply chain , with three out of four farms dedicated to this magical white grain .
There are three principal types of rice grains found in Indonesia : japonica , indica and javanica . Rice grows differently depending on many different factors including climate , altitude , terroir , being grown in a paddy or marsh , and also sun intensity . Bali is home to Indonesia ’ s most unique varieties of rice and growing methods with rice crops dependent largely on the lunar cycle . Bali boasts a sophisticated network of irrigation , called
subak , whose formations can be seen in the large terraces that dot the island .
Two noticeable rice variations that are making a comeback to Indonesia ’ s fine-dining menus are Jatiluwih heirloom rice from Tabanan , Bali , and Adan Krayan rice from East Kalimantan . Jatiluwih heirloom rice boasts a sultry , soft texture and mild fragrance , and can pair nicely with traditional full-flavoured Balinese dishes like babi guling ( Balinese-style roast pork ), while the Adan Krayan rice comes in three colours ( white , red and black ) and is known for its sweet taste .
Rice is a great way to connect with Indonesian history and heritage , so drop in for a bowl sometime .
Rice is a great way to connect with Indonesian history and heritage , so drop in for a bowl sometime .
The rice terraces of Tegalalang , Bali .
Black Adan Krayan rice of Krayan village , North Kalimantan .