Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine January 2017 | Page 22

20 Explore | Masterclass
I frequently focus on the eyes of the subject . It is here that you can see the intensity and connection of the dancers , often as they engage with the spirit world .
I frequently focus on the eyes of the subject . It is here that you can see the intensity and connection of the dancers , often as they engage with the spirit world . For me , this connection is the real essence of Indonesian dances – when they are performed not as entertainment but on a much deeper level . Hours of training , practice and creativity merge as the dancers pay homage to the gods and their tribal ancestors . What emerges in the shots hopefully captures the expression of the dances and honours this ancient form of art .
Saya sering berfokus pada mata objek . Di sinilah Anda dapat melihat intensitas dan keterikatan para penari , ketika mereka terhubung dengan dunia roh . Bagi saya , hubungan inilah esensi sebenarnya dari tarian Indonesia , yakni ketika para penari ini tampil bukan sebagai hiburan , melainkan pada tingkat yang jauh lebih tinggi . Latihan intens , praktik , serta kreativitas menyatu saat penari memberikan penghormatan kepada para dewa dan leluhur mereka . Apa yang muncul dalam foto-foto ini semoga dapat menangkap ekspresi dari tarian sekaligus menjadi penghormatan bagi seni kuno ini .
With this photograph I have tried to capture the spirit of these young Dayak warriors as they dance during the annual Isen Mulang Festival in Central Kalimantan , where hundreds of proud young Dayak men and women sing and dance for their ancestors . They are adorned in hornbill and caraway feathers and tusks gathered from wild pigs , as well as tattoos and body paint . The low perspective adds to the drama .
Lewat foto ini saya mencoba menangkap semangat pejuang muda Dayak saat mereka menari dalam Festival Isen Mulang yang diadakan setiap tahun di Kalimantan Tengah , di mana ratusan muda-mudi Dayak menyanyi dan menari untuk leluhur mereka . Mereka memakai aksesori bulu rangkong dan kasuari , gading dari babi hutan , serta tato dan lukisan tubuh . Sudut pengambilan foto yang rendah menambah kesan dramatis .