Garden & Greenhouse March 2019 Issue | Page 37

FEATURESTORY by Eric Hopper Why HVAC Systems are Needed for a Grow Room I f you have decided to flex your green thumb on an indoor basis rather than outside, you’ve likely given a great deal of thought already to the prospect of building a grow room. This can be conducted in various spaces throughout the home, depending on the size that you need. Some people are fully satisfied with a closet-sized space, while oth- ers require a much larger area to conduct their grow- ing operations One thing that remains consistent in any of these situations, however, is the necessity of recreating a natural environment for the plants. This includes lights and water sources, and also a fair amount of HVAC-related technology. While it is generally ac- cepted that a grow room needs good ventilation, in many cases the grower does not understand why proper ventilation is needed. Listed below are some of the reasons. create a substantial amount of heat, but it’s important that the room does not become too hot due to the ex- cess heat created by the lighting-system. This can be alleviated, to a degree, with the implementation LED or other types of grow lights that do not generate as much heat, but a good ventilation system is still a must to truly control temperature. Humidity The humidity levels within the grow room must be monitored and controlled. Excess moisture in the air, paired with the heat created by the growing equipment, can result in mold and damage the plants. A properly installed HVAC-system will remove extra humidity in the air and make it easier to keep track of the humidity levels in the grow room. Airflow You’ve probably been in a room with no airflow before. No windows to open, no fans to run, mak- ing the air stifling and thick. This isn’t fun to deal with, and it’s no fun for plants either. Adequate air- flow mimics the air plants would receive if they were growing naturally outdoors, which can strengthen the stems of plants as they grow. Ventilation In most cases an indoor gardener does not want to the area surrounding their home smelling like the inside of a grow room. The most effective way to minimize or even eliminate this issue is to install a ventilation system that will filter and help eliminate any unwanted aromas. You’ll also want an HVAC- system with a high-quality filter that will help keep the air in the grow room as healthy as possible-a plus for you and the plants. Temperature When plants are grown indoors, monitoring the temperature of the grow room is key. Grow lights Technology Growing-indoors means following several spe- cific steps to ensure a proper growing environment. March 2019 37