Garden & Greenhouse March 2019 Issue | Page 36

on the surface of the soil around the beans after they have germinated. Some people recommend staggering plantings at two-week intervals until about two months before the fi rst killing frost is expected in the fall. However, I have never found that practice to be necessary. I plant them all at once, and then pick green beans every couple of days all summer. Bush beans usually germinate in about a week. After the beans have germinated, apply several inches of mulch to conserve moisture, to reduce weeds, and to help keep the soil cool during hot spells that can cause the beans to stop blooming. Maintain even soil moisture of an inch per week throughout the grow- ing season. These beans normally do not need sup- port unless they are planted in unusually windy area. If this is the case, they can be propped up by brushy twigs or strong cords around stakes set at the end of the row or in each corner of the bed. To extend the harvest, cover them with old bed sheets when there is a danger of frost. By doing this, bean harvest can be extended even through several light frosts. Insects and Disease Problems in Bush Beans Insect pests that attack bush beans include aphids, cabbage loopers, corn earworms, European corn borers, Japanese beetles, and Mexican bean beetles. Mexican bean beetles are considered the Enter to win Leader of Safe and Organic Products your free sample at Trusted Organic Plant Protection Approved for Organic Use - made from food grade material Controls and prevents powdery mildew on contact worst threat to a bean crop. Adults are oval, yellow- brown, 1/4-inch long beetles with black spots, which are frequently misidentifi ed as ladybugs. The larvae are fat, dark yellow grubs with long branching pines. Both will defoliate leaves from the underside, caus- ing a lacy appearance and, if not dealt with, will kill the plants. To prevent or reduce the damage, cover the beans with row covers and hand pick larvae and adult beetles. In addition, there are 1/10-inch long black fl ies with yellow stripes called leaf miners. The larvae of these fl ies tunnel into the leaves and damage the stems below the soil. Remove any affected plants and burn them to prevent infestation in other plants. To prevent attacks from striped cucumber bee- tles, apply a thick mulch to discourage them from laying their eggs in the soil near the plants and hand pick any adults to remove them. Companion planting with catnip, tansy, radishes, goldenrod, or nastur- tiums can also help repel them. Spraying garlic spray on the underside of the leaves helps eliminate spider mites that like to live there. To minimize diseases on green bean plants, avoid working in bush beans when they are wet from dew or rain. If diseases strike, remove any infected plants to reduce the risk of infecting the other plants. Harvesting Pick bush beans when they are pencil-sized, ten- der and before the seeds inside form bumps on the pod. Harvest them 2-3 days to encourage production. Do not pull the pods off, but pinch the beans off with your thumbnail and fi nger. If you are unable to mas- ter that skill, you can use scissors to remove beans. Serve or preserve the green beans the day they are picked - the sooner after picking, the better. For cooking, break them into bite-size pieces and soak overnight. Pour off the water, add fresh water, bring them to boil, and simmer until tender, which takes several hours. To dry beans, leave the pods on the plants until the seed pods are brown and seeds rattle inside. Seeds should be so hard that you cannot dent them with your teeth. If the pods have yellowed and rain is predicted, pull the plants from the ground and hang them upside-down indoors to dry. Put the shelled beans in airtight, lidded containers. Add oxygen ab- sorbers and store them in a cool dry place. Beans will keep for 10-12 months. GG Donna Brown is the author of the gardening book Simply Vegetable Gardening which is available on her website: She can be contacted at [email protected]. Long-lasting beneļ¬ts without leaving a residue 36 [email protected] (805) 650-8918 March 2019