Newsletter No. 65; IRBMS
June – July, 2018
Flood in NE India (Source: FIRSTPOST)
expensive agriculture practice in the world. There
is no National Water Policy or comprehensive
Unlike last few years this year we are hearing less grassroot level program for village level water
number of bad news in monsoon and there are low conservation. Monsoon with reasonable rain
rainfall deficiencies in majority of the states. become relatively news free. Flooding of Mumbai,
Occasional bad news are also there like flood in Chennai were common but flooding of Delhi also
North Eastern states like Tripura, Assam, Manipur added to the list.
& Mizoram in June and low rainfall in Bihar and
parts of Jharkhand till July end. But still two critical In our previous commentaries we mentioned about
areas for water management remain unchanged; 1) the imminent Water Crisis in India and many like
poor supply management in terms of water us are trying to bring it to the notice of the
conservation and 2) excess demand of water as Government as well as civil society but the
Indian movement is very slow. The water related disasters
Integrated River Basin Management Society