Newsletter No. 64;
Bangladesh. India claims a share of 55% of the is named after "Goddess Manasa", the serpent God
river's water. Bangladesh wants a higher share than in Hindu mythology. The Manas River is a trans-
it gets now. The river is Bangladesh's fourth largest boundary river in the Himalayan foothills between
transboundary river for irrigation and fishing. southern Bhutan and India. The river splits up at
According to the report of Asian Foundation in Mathanguri in India in to two major channels. It
2013, its flood plain covers about 14% of the total flows then through Assam for 104 km before it
cropped area of Bangladesh and provides direct joins the mighty Brahmaputra River at Jogighopa
livelihood opportunities to approximately 73% of which is located at a distance of around 90 km
its population. India has its own compulsions not from the destination. The river valley has two
enough water is flowing into the Teesta to meet major reserve forest areas, namely the Royal Manas
our irrigation needs, to increase the area under National Park in Bhutan and the contiguous Manas
irrigation in North Bengal to boost agricultural Wildlife Sanctuary encompassing Project Tiger
production Teesta water is required. Of the river's reserve, an elephant reserve and a biosphere
catchment - an area of land where water collects – reserve, which constitutes a UNESCO World
83 % is in India and 17% is in Bangladesh. Heritage Site.
Teesta is the lifeline of North Bengal and almost The total length of the river is 376 km flows
half a dozen of districts of West Bengal are through Bhutan for 272 km and then through
dependent on the waters of Teesta. Thereby both Assam for 104 km before it joins the mighty
the countries are trying hard to dissolve the issue Brahmaputra River at Jogighopa. Another major
with peaceful discussion as early as possible. West tributary of the Manas, the Aie River joins it in
Bengal has proposed sharing the waters of other Assam at Bangpari. It is met by three other major
rivers, like the Torsa, as north Bengal is completely streams before it again debouches into India in
dependent on the Teesta, rivers like the Torsa, western Assam. The river valley in the foothills is
which are closer to the border of India and surrounded by small meadows located among
Bangladesh, are other options with its connectivity thickly deciduous forested foothills with many
with Bangladesh's Padma River. rivulets, streams and natural drainage channels
Manas River: Manas River is a trans-boundary related to the river system. In the lower reaches of
river in the Himalayan foothills between southern the river, there are many smooth sandy stretches
Bhutan and India. It is a major tributary of the populated with trees. The foot hills in Bhutan and
Brahmaputra River and flowing through Assam. It India known as Terai and the Duars.
Integrated River Basin Management Society