Newsletter No. 60;
cause of this pollution due to huge quantity of
[Source:- Renters – 26.01.2017]
sewage, generated by cities and towns along the
polluted stretches. World Health Organization China- Pakistan Water venture against
released a survey report, where they stated that India
Delhi, the Indian Capital was the most polluted China, which is working to control the trans-
city on the planet, with an annual average of 153 boundary flows of rivers, originating in Tibet – has
micrograms small taken a joint venture in dam building movement
particulates known as PM 2.5, per Cu. m. The level with Pakistan at Pakistan occupied Gilgit-Baltistan
was 6 times the WHO s recommended maximum, which is part of J &K. It is a new challenge to India,
12 times US standards and more than twice the as Gilgit Baltistan as its own territory. China will
level considered safe by Indian authorities. Black fund and build two Indus Mega-dams at a total
Carbon which constitutes most of PM 2.5 that can cost of $27 billion, according to MoU signed in
lodge and fester in human lungs, is also blamed for Beijing during PM Nawaj Sharif s visit. The MoU
20%of global warning. According to WHO, 13 of came on the same day India announced its boycott
the world s most polluted cities were in India. of China s OBOR summit, saying No country can
Severe Water Scarcity in Gaza
It is a long experience of most of the citizens of
accept a project that ignores its core concerns on
sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Gaja that people have not tasted sweet tap water in In fact, the total installed hydropower capacity in
last 10 years, Everyday people travels 4 km. or so to India s part of J&K does not equal even the smaller
fill 20 liter plastic jerican for collection of sweet of this two planned dams in Gilgit.
water. Gaza has long suffered severe water
[Source ToI 16.5.17]
problem, with its aquifer contaminated by sewage,
chemicals and sea water, and the territory s three
desalination plants are unable to meet demand.
For drinking and some domestic purposes, most Brahmaputra River
citizens depend on imported bottled water. But Part- 2
locals and development specialist say the situation The
is getting beyond control, with more than 90% of Chemayungdung mountain ranges which nearly
water in the aquifer is unfit for domestic use, sixty miles south-east of Mansarovar lake in the
Integrated River Basin Management Society