GANGA 45th Issue | Page 5

confluences with the Son river to the Sugawaman northeast of the village of Kota on the Sonebhadra district. border of Satna and Son dist. It has a rocky bed almost throughout its course. The river has a rapid mountain torrent flowing through forested area. The tributaries of the Kanhar river are Theme, Lanva, Pandu, Goita, Hathinala, Suria, Chana, Sendur, Kursa, Galphulla, Semarkhar, Riger, Cherna nala etc. The river forms a catchment area of 3030sq. in tehsil Dudhi of Kanhar Irrigation Project is located downstream of the confluence of River Pagan and Kanhar near village Sugawan of District Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh. It was originally approved by the Central Water Commission in 1976. As per a progress report of the project for 199899, the construction work is completely km. abandoned since 1989-90. Since then, A number of waterfalls are located along there are numerous occasions when the the track of the river. Paval falls near project was inaugurated. However, no Kothali village (Balarampur) is of about work could be taken up. Recently on 61 m. Gursindhu falls is located in 5th December, 2014 after a span of 25 Chinia community block, some 40 km. years, inauguration of construction of the from Garhwa. Sukhdari falls is 30 m. dam started without a fresh proper cost high and is located near the meeting benefit analysis and Environment Impact point of the border of Chattisgarh, Assessment or Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh. Assessment, the Kanhar Hydroelectric project and Social Impact commencement of project activities is making way for a Kanhar river development scheme are large social unrest. centered on Kanhar reservoir at Baradih The project proposes a 3.003 km long in Garhwa district. There is another dam/reservoir near Chinia village. The Kanhar Sinchal Pariyojana is located downstream of the confluence of Pagan river with the Kanhar near village earthen dam having a maximum height of 39.90 m from deepest bed level which may be increased to 52.90 m if linked to Rihand reservoir. The project envisages submergence of 4131.5 Ha of tribal land 5 Integrated River Basin Management Society