GANGA 45th Issue | Page 4

railway bridge between Kiul junction from scarcity of irrigation water. The and Lakhisarai station, and is joined near upper Kiul irrigation project has been Rahughat by the Harohar (Halahar or completed in 2004 with a command area Harhobar), a continuation of the Sakhi of 20000 Ha. It mainly benefitted Jamui river. After this, it turns due east, and and Munger District of Bihar. falls into the Ganga near Surajgarha. Until it meets the Harohar, the Kiul has broad sandy bed, and in some places is as much as half a km. wide, though it contains very little water in summer. In the course of its run, the river traverses a total length of 111 km., and drains an area of 16,580 sq. km. Upper Kiul Dam. (Image source INDIA-WRIS)\ The Mokamah group of Tals lies in the Kanhar river : Kiul-Harohar river basin, and extends The Kanhar river is a tributary of the over an area of 1062 sq. km. It is a Son river, and flows through the States saucer shaped depression, extending of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttar from Fatwa in west to Lakhisarai in the Pradesh. east. Its width varies from 6 to 17 km., The river originates at Gidha-Dhodha on and runs close to and sub-parallel to the the Khudia plateau in Jashpur district of right bank of the Ganga. The Harohar Chhattisgarh. The origin point of this river, which is the main outlet channel river is 1012 m. high. It initially flows for the Tal area, flows eastward and north, drains into the Kiul river. The entire Tal Garhwa district in Palamau division of area undergoes submergence every year Jharkhand. Thereafter, it flows for about during the monsoon period from June till 100 km. through Surguja district of September. At the end of the monsoon, Chhattisgarh. the agricultural activities in the upper parallel to the Son in Garhwa district in catchment of Kiul-harohar used to suffer Mirzapur division of Uttar Pradesh. It forming the boundary Subsequently, it with runs 4 Integrated River Basin Management Society