Gaming for You Volume 1. | Page 21

While every content creator may have a place to meet and grow it should be equally important to know what each person is providing. Some discords focus on self advertising, others focus on casual gaming. Finding a niche of a discord is important to any content creator.

Peter Knežević owner of TheAlfredSource Discord has his own beliefs on what people want and what he provides.

“I believe everyone has their own niche they stick too,” said Knežević. “I might be hosting someone else's twitch or community but sometimes I do not see people in that community, I see them in mine.”

Knežević wants a community where people will communicate between themselves.

Knežević sees twitch as a community but also a business considering once a streamer or content creator is affiliated they are paid to do so. Knežević focuses on not only promoting himself but his other members as well.

“I looked up other streamers and what they have to offer and I figured I had that,” Knežević said. “I decided to create the community I have now myself. I promote other content creators in hopes of promoting myself as well. This way our aduciences can combine and grow. It is a mutual friendship and mutual business. One thing I also want to do is co streaming. It brings the audience from point A to point B. It brings everyone together.”

The final and most important part of hosting or promoting any channel or content creator is knowing what the end goal is. It can be hard to know how to start a community revolved around twitch and content creators but it is just as challenging to know where to stop.

Brandon Miller whose 30 and owner of the Juice pack stated

“My end goal is to push for partner, witch is a very hard thing to do because you need a average of 75 viewers in your chat.” Miller continued, “I have a long ways to go but I just need to keep pushing myself and keep working on how to keep people entertained. I want to get partner through twitch because i think it will really help the juice pack. Anybody in the juice pack I will be able to help move them forward for their goals.”

Miller expanded his entire niche to ensure the juice pack is open to all gamers and content creators alike. Miller wants to reach the top while trying new and different things to keep his energy up and engage his viewers and community members.

“My community provides a few different things and they are all video game related,” said Miller. “Mainly its for twitch streamers needing help and wanting to grow. Another is playing in tourney and just finding awesome people to play games with.”