Community Story
Streaming, networking, growth and success, these are mere elements that can determine the strength and popularity of a streamer or content creator. With use of applications such as Discord and steam it creates a gateway for gamers and content creators alike to come together and build a community together.
While most stories have featured others building communities or having successes with streams, this story focuses on how content creators become known and why those networks are built.
18 year old Erik Nunamaker, owner of the of the Demon Eyes gaming community spoke out.
“My Mission in Discord or my company is to help as many people that want or need it,” said Nunamaker. “They could be a musician, streamer, or even a YouTuber starting their career. This mission of mine has been going for about 2 years now and we've been getting great help growing and in return we have helped people back. Some communities provide a safe haven, some do promotions, and some just to chill.”
“I promote other content creators because they needed or wanted the help and joined a community that would do that,” said Nunamaker. “Of course we do not do it alone. We have groups like 4AGamers, Sinister Crew, and Pokeball Nation lending a great hand. These communities have been helping a great deal within discord.”