Gaming for You Volume 1. | Page 17

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Rutrum luctus amet

Audience members can find it to be difficult to keep going through the challenges of streaming. Many streamers have anxiety due to horror or the games they play through. However, that has not stopped anyone from appreciating the goal at the end of the road. Derek Esterline of the Angry Joe community who has been streaming horror since August spoke out about his experience and what he does to finish the games he plays.

“You have to have fun and stick it out,” said Esterline. “When I first started streaming horror there were so many times where I said ‘I’m done.’ I wanted to quit the game, Outlast being an example. Half way through I had to stop. Before these streams I did not watch a lot of horror movies or horror games but now I do. Horror games are beautiful and the end will make you say ‘wow that was beautiful.’

However the biggest challenge when it comes to horror streaming is what preference could a streamer or player have.

Maddie Fayee Wood, a computer science major at Loyola University has been streaming horror games since June. The most difficult thing about a horror game is not only finishing it but finding reasons to play it.

“Killing Floor 2 is the only game I willingly play without getting mad that I'm not that good at them,” said Fayee. “Lots of Horror games I have seen are first person shooters, which is not my kinda gameplay, or my kinda genre either. Killing Floor 2 was the first first person shooter I could actually enjoy playing solo or with people I know. It was the only game on my playstation 4 I was comfortable starting a stream with cause I could talk to other people, unlike the single player games I've been streaming as of late.”

The horror streaming category and community has no means of dying out and will not become stale anytime soon. Thanks to dedicated communities, networking, and streamers, the genre of horror streaming will only grow from here.